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See how well your values align with ours

At Atlassian, these five values guide our business, product development, and every major company decision. When we're all on the same page, teamwork thrives. So, we take extra care to make sure every Atlassian understands and utilizes our values. Consider this your introductory course. There is no pass or fail with this quiz. You'll find out which of Atlassian's five values you're most aligned with and it'll only take about 5 minutes to complete.

Build with heart and balance

Be the change you seek

Play, as a team

Don’t #@!% the customer

Open company, no bullshit

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Imagine you're having a group discussion on the potential existence of alternate universes, which outcome is more important to you?

Move the slider to your desired position
That I've gained a good understanding.
That my views have been heard.
If it ain't broke...

Move the slider to your desired position
Don't fix it, we know it works.
Let's pull it apart, we've got a back up in place.
You're talking with an Atlassian customer who is frustrated with a particular feature in one of our products. Do you...

Move the slider to your desired position
Take notes on the issue and report it to the appropriate team.
Tell the customer it's on the roadmap and hope for the best.
When you're working on a team project, regular check-ins...

Move the slider to your desired position
Will usually help us get better results.
Could disrupt the team's progress.
The best thing about a good conversation is... (please order, with your favourite at the top)

    Drag the list items into your desired order
  • Learning about new things
  • Getting to know people
  • Hearing about the latest buzz
  • Sharing my ideas with others
You've been working on a personal project to remake classic movies in 90's style claymation and it's nearly complete. How ready would you feel to share it with a co-worker even though it's incomplete?

Move the slider to your desired position
Not quite ready. I'd prefer them to see a finished product first.
Very ready. Feedback now could make a positive difference.
A product is only as good as...

Move the slider to your desired position
Your customer's feedback.
The people who make it.
You've just come back from some new training on the productivity practices of prolific programmers. You're buzzing. What's more likely to be your first move?

Move the slider to your desired position
Start implementing my learnings myself.
Share everything I've learned with my teammates.
Which sounds most like your approach to solving problems/challenges?

Move the slider to your desired position
Taking calculated risks.
Sticking to what works.
You're working on a project that's set to launch at the end of the week, but it will only be 80% of the way there on launch day. Are you more likely to...

Move the slider to your desired position
Ask for more time to iron out all the kinks.
Launch on time, knowing you'll still have updates to make.
You're piloting a new feature with select customers and the feedback isn't great. Which sounds most like what you would do?

Move the slider to your desired position
Push forward, see if a few tweaks will change their minds at launch.
Put the feature on hold to understand the potential disconnect.
When you don't agree with the direction of a project do you usually...

Move the slider to your desired position
Raise your hand early on, get everything on the table.
See how it plays out, you don't want to waste anybody's time.
You get a bit of feedback on how you could have done something better at work. What's your usual response?

Move the slider to your desired position
Appreciative, good feedback goes a long way.
Embarrassed, less than perfect is missing the mark.
You've been asked to lead a project team responsible for re-inventing ShipIt, Atlassian's quarterly hackathon. In which order would you do these things?

    Drag the list items into your desired order
  • Document your game plan
  • Research how/if the change affects other teams
  • Start implementing
  • Identify who needs to be involved
What Country are you applying from?

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Build with heart and balance



Be the change you seek



Play, as a team



Don’t #@!% the customer



Open company, no bullshit

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